Hello everyone, Thanks for taking the time to read this! Now that voting time is almost here i would like to share our story to make everyone aware of some of the things that go on in our area, February 2018 we noticed that there were bullet holes in our Volvo, the windshield was shot out and the headlights had bullet holes in them with pellets still inside the lights. we immediately called the police, the state police came and took a report and asked us who we thought had done it. We suspected that it was our neighbor Fred Mock, but we couldn’t prove it. The state police encouraged us to get cameras in case of future incidents. We purchased cameras and installed them right away. A day later Matt was in the yard taking care of the turkeys and he heard something pop right besides him, a few seconds later he heard something hit the boat tarp about 10 feet from him, he looked up and saw a person in the window of Fred Mock’s house pulling a gun back inside the window and closing it. He took a picture with his cell phone and then went inside and we reviewed the cameras. You could clearly see it on camera, so we called the police,(while we were waiting for the police to arrive we inspected our property and found over 70 shots in our vehicles and in our stuff inside the garage)(he shot inside the garage while we had the garage door open one day) So the state police arrived, watched the video and agreed that someone was shooting from the upstairs window of the Mock residence. The state police went to Fred Mock’s house and questioned him, He denied doing it, They took our report about what happened and left. The next morning we received a phone call from the state police officer saying that Fred Mock has called and CONFESSED to shooting on several occasions, he even continued to shoot our property after he saw the state police there the first time( he had asked another neighbor why the police were at our house) So he was charged with 3 counts of disorderly conduct, 1charge of criminal mischief, and 1 charge of reckless endangerment(we think he should have been charged with more because he was shooting at Matt while he was in the yard) We asked for his weapon to be taken away but they said that because it was a pellet gun they could not take it from him. ( even thought we have done research that pellet guns do in fact kill people, it it will break though a windshield what will it do to your skin?) The police officer encouraged us to get professional estimates done on our vehicles and other property, so we took our cars to the collision center and got estimates done for all the damage, and also got estimates for all the stuff he damaged in the garage. The total of the estimates was 25,811.1, It went through the magistrates office(which we think the entire thing should have been handled in Cambria County due to conflict of interest because Fred Mock’s wife worked in that office and I’m sure she had developed intimate relationships with the people who work there and at the courthouse) So once it got to the Somerset County Courthouse we took our estimates down there and gave them to the Victim Services person Beth Paquette, who placed them inside a locked vault along with our many pictures and flashdrive, we also had given a copy of all of this to the police officer. We were treated so terribly by the Somerset County Courthouse, i just don’t know where to begin. They lied to us and gave us the wrong information about what documents we needed. We were never permitted to talk to the District Attorney despite numerous attempts we were always blown off. The case got continued from June 2018 to September 2019 month by month ( our vehicles had to sit in the yard all that time because we could not afford to fix them all) If there was ever a court date to attend or something was cancelled we were not notified until Friday afternoon right before the offices were closed for the weekend and the event was usually scheduled for Monday morning first thing, so there was no time to call and ask any questions. They never wanted us to ask questions or to come to the courthouse for anything, they repeatedly told us not to come back, every time they saw us the did not hide the fact that the were irritated with us for being there or having more questions. They contacted us and told us they were going to give us 4,000 and dismiss all charges, and we could voice our opinion if we wanted to but it was not up to us. we asked why the amount was so low and why they were dropping all charges? they said that they had no estimates to go on just a list of everything he shot and a spreadsheet showing what we thought it would cost to fix it, we asked where our 50 plus page folder with all of our professional estimates went? they were locked in a vault to be protected and now they were somehow lost, both sets, all our pictures and a flash drive, out of a locked vault ??? they didn’t have an explanation for that. they acted like it was no big deal and we should take the 4,000. We faxed them new copies and also sent a set of them priority return receipt, so we would have proof that they received them and that the were in their possession. I’m quite sure that made them mad because we were then told that we don’t have a say so what so ever in the amount of restitution we would receive, we asked for a restitution hearing and we were denied. They told us that they were accepting 10,000 on our behalf and he was getting all charges dropped against him and we had no choice, that was just that, We were talked down to by the ADA Hannah Myers like we were nothing, she left us talk openly in the courtroom about the case with her when she knew that Fred Mock and his wife had walked in and sat down behind us, (we were in private meeting) she never said a word just very unprofessionally left us keep talking about things we did not wish for him to overhear. We were told by Beth Paquette that the 10,000 dollar check was to be mailed in the next few days and we would receive it within a week at the most, more than a week went by and we did not receive the check, we called her at the courthouse and she checked on it, told us it was in the mail. we still after a week and a half did not receive the check, we proceeded to go to the courthouse and go to the clerks office, they told us that the check was never mailed, we told them since we were there we would just take it with us, she asked for Matt’s drivers license to verify all the information was correct on the check and then handed him his license back along with the check in an envelope, when we got to the car Matt noticed at the top of the check it said refund instead of restitution, and the check was not made out to us ,but in fact it said pay to the order of Francis Mock!!! So what?? he was going to get his money back? Why is there absolutely no punishment for this crime? We live in a school zone and he was recklessly and openly shooting a weapon. and thats ok??? Now we have to live fear that something will set him off again and he will shoot out the window again, what if its while our family and/or friends are in the yard? why did we only get a fraction of what our estimates were?? ( kids are getting charged with felony’s for making gun motions with their hands and he gets left off on all charges for actually shooting a gun toward Matt??) We asked for rights!! We were the VICTIMS and we were treated like the crimminals!! as victims we asked to be heard. We were told by the judge with the influence of District Attorney Lisa Lazzari-Strasiser that we were wasting his time. Lisa Lazzari-Strasiser promotes herself to be an advocate for Marsy’s law, NOTHING could be further from the truth, in my opinion she is just simply lazy and too comfortable with her job. its not about helping people for her anymore its about saving money and time and letting people off on charges to do that. its time for a change Please vote for Jeffrey Thomas for the next district attorney!
We included a few of the pictures, there are way to many to post all of them, the damage to all of our property is very extensive and its too much to post all of it. Just wanted you to have a basic idea

we do not know the legality of posting these documents, but what we do know is that it is illegal to plan, shoot and attempt to harm or kill someone.